Laura Henderson

Laura HendersonHead of Program, – FrontiersForYoungMinds

How to live longer: the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of telomeres
Wann: Samstag 17:00 – 17:45
Wo: CISPA – Helmholtz-Zentrum für Informationssicherheit

What if you could easily share with your class the groundbreaking discoveries which won Nobel Prizes in recent years, using an open educational resource? Join me to learn about Elizabeth Blackburn’s game-changing work on telomeres, for which she won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2009, and how psychological, environmental and even social factors can work on these to change our DNA and have a measurable effect on our life expectancy and health. With our Frontiers for Young Minds journal, you can then help your students understand and implement the breakthrough learning of Nobel-level scientists in their own lives.

Zur Person
Laura has 17+ years’ experience in academic publishing, with 7 years as a manager at Frontiers, first leading core academic journal programs and now strategically directing the unique open-access, kids’ science-engagement project, Frontiers for Young Minds.
Passionate about Open Access and publishing innovation, her 10 years’ experience prior to Frontiers included commissioning and project managing STM books for Cambridge University Press and working as Editor-in-Chief of a digital content company. She has spoken at many academic conferences, both local, international and virtual, and recently pitched at the Falling Walls Science Summit as a Science Engagement Winner.